Testimonial for Grace Lape CD(DONA)

Do you want to increase your chances of reaching your goals for your upcoming birth experience?! With GRACE, I was able to achieve every single one of mine!  She truly empowered me & was such a positive force when she came into my life during my 3rd pregnancy.  I lost my first baby, & had a difficult C-Section birth & post partum experience for my sweet twin girls.  I was in search of healing & redemption with baby #3. Anytime I expressed doubt, Grace confidently, effortlessly, & cheerfully turned it positive & she always gave me encouragement & hope!  She always believed in me getting my VBAC & she provided me great birth preparation resources & specialists to get there.  She was a rockstar by my side during labor & directed my husband as well (a little over 24 hours).  She coached me & my husband over the phone & via text when I struggled with prodromal labor for about a week before my baby girl was born.  She helped me labor at my house in the wee hours of the night before leaving for the hospital.  Every time I was faced w/ a difficult decision, or when I was challenged by unsupportive nurses, she helped me & my husband discuss pros and cons, without inserting a personal opinion.  My OBGYN & several nurses were impressed with her & made positive comments to me about Grace!  At our postpartum visit, it was so nice to talk through my entire experience & process it all, which served as closure for my healing journey. Having Grace on your side will be a gift for you! She will make you laugh, be your advocate, become a great friend, & bring you so much support for your pregnancy, birth, & postpartum journey!  Can't wait to labor w/ her again, if there is a baby #4 one day for our family!

-Stephanie Van Ommering

June 29, 2023

a photo from Grace Lape CD(DONA)

Grace Lape CD(DONA)

Doula by Grace LLC

Birth Fee: $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


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Years in practice