Testimonial for Carla Rocha

We were lucky enough to have Carla's help for five nights a week for the first eight weeks of our son's life. We didn't have any help (day or night) with our firstborn, so we weren't quite sure what to expect--let me just say it was absolutely life-changing having Carla here to help. I had pretty bad postpartum anxiety the first time around, and I truly credit Carla and all the rest I was able to get this time thanks to her with the fact that I didn't go through it again this time. Carla was never once even a minute late; if anything she was consistently early showing up to our house. She was open and very supportive of all our choices as parents--we use the Snoo, we give him formula occasionally, bottles sometimes that she would give him so I could sleep an extra few hours, etc.--and having that warm, nonjudgmental presence around when you are emotionally delicate from postpartum hormones is incredible. She exudes extremely calm, capable energy. She was also great with our very shy, nervous rescue dog (who never once barked at her when she brought our son into our bedroom in the middle of the night so I could breastfeed--a miracle!) Throughout the night, whenever she brought our son to breastfeed, she would check to make sure I had enough water, if I needed pain medication, etc. Every morning, we woke up to a cleaner house with bottles washed and put away. Carla would also text us a log of how the night went-when he woke up, if she needed to settle him at any point, if he was gassy, when he ate, how many diapers she changed, etc. Having that data in the morning was so helpful! We were very sorry to say goodbye to Carla, even though our son was pretty much sleeping through the night by the end. If you are considering hiring her as your night doula, do it--it will be the BEST decision you make!


June 27, 2023

a photo from Carla Rocha

Carla Rocha

Doula, Sleep Consultant, NCS, Lactation Educador

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Updated 2/16/2025

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/16/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice