Testimonial for Sophia Bennett-Leber

Sophia was my Birth Dula as well as my postpartum. Having her a part of both experiences has been such a blessing. When I was almost two weeks overdue with my third baby, she was there physically and emotionally. She came to my home on two occasions and helped me feel relaxed with some body work and also listened while I shared how I was feeling. The evening before I was to be induced, she happily came over and we did some spinning babies and some light massage. The next morning early I finally went into labor. She arrived at the birth center and was with me from the beging to the end. She had asked me if there was a special food I would like for after I had the baby. Having food you like is a must! She was not only a good support to me in the birth process, but also to my husband Darran. My baby was born with a shoulder dystocia and I had no idea what that was. Things got tense towards the end. I was in labor for 13 hours with this little guy. When the midwives were busy with me, she was right there to offer comfort to my husband. I knew when I was home I would have good support for the first month. I asked Sophia if she could come back when I needed her. It was so nice to have her support later on when my husband went back to work.  I wanted to get out of the house and get some groceries. She went with me and made me dinner that night. While we ate she held the baby. It was nice to sit with my older two and have a meal. I don't think they had talked to me in at least a month with my full attention. She came another time and did the same as well as changing sheets and helping with laundry. All of these things I wish I had with my first two children. Family is temperamental and to have someone who is free of judgment is the best thing I believe a new or experienced mother could ask for. To know that you can be totally vulnerable, and unguarded through this time is priceless. I believe Sophia is a wonderful provider of this kind of space. 

-Stacey Cass

June 07, 2023

a photo from Sophia Bennett-Leber

Sophia Bennett-Leber

Mama Serving Mamas & Baby Nest

Birth Fee: $0 to $1900

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated 7/29/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $1900

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/29/2024

Years in practice