Testimonial for Jade Passamonte

Jade is the super doula you never knew you needed. I knew that I wanted to have a natural labor and I knew that I wanted a doula but when it came to game day I NEEDED a doula to get me through. Here are a few reasons why Jade was so pivitol in helping me maintain my medicationless birth.

1) She knew all of the things to try to help minimize my contractions. She knew where to push, where to rub, where to shake. If you're a first time mom you don't really know what you need, you just know you need RELIEF! And Jade was able to try a myriad of different things and find what worked for my body to help me get through it.

2) Husbands are helpless, UNLESS you have phenomenal instructor. Jade instructed my hubby to do and say things to help me get through. She was the captain and he was the quarterback. Without her playbook he would have been lost. She helped him feel powerful in helping me which helped me not subconsciously worry about him.

3) Any "negative" thing that was happening to my body that would have instilled fear was shifted into something beatiful and beneficial. For example I threw up and it scared me. But Jade was right there with the incredible affirmations exclaiming how wonderful it was that I was making more space for my baby and that I was releasing all this energy. She made it seem like it was the best thing in the world to throw up which took away all the fear.

4) She knew how to stretch me in ways to help speed up labor. There were moments of intensity but she kept encouraging me with, "do you want to meet your baby faster? You can do this. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING FOR ONE MINUTE!"

5) When I started vocalizing intensly and feeling a little embarrassed about the noises I was making, Jade was right there telling me that I was a tribal warrior goddess and I was tapping into my primal instincts. Super empowering!

I could keep going but I'm out of space. You need her. I could NOT have done it w/o her. 


May 02, 2023

a photo from Jade  Passamonte

Jade Passamonte

Whole Mama Wellness Collective LLC

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Updated 9/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice