Testimonial for Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

One of the best decisions I made during my first pregnancy was hiring Justine from Midwest Doulas. During my search I reached out to several highly recommended Doulas, Justine responded right away vs the other doulas weren't as responsive. From the first conversation, I was at ease with Justine. She quickly addressed my fears & concerns. It was clear that Justine was evidence based in her practice vs sharing old wives tales. She shared great information & resources throughout. Her goal is to help pregnant women learn about the very natural process of birth & in doing so remove the fear out of giving birth which resonated a lot with me. I purchased the premium package & recommend that for first time pregnancies. Compared to the experience of my friends who took birthing classes, both my husband & I really enjoyed & learned so much from our birthing classes. More importantly, we were able to discuss all the potential decisions we may have had to make ahead of time, we arrived at the hospital feeling calm, informed & on the same page. My baby was delivered via c-section due to unforeseen complications. Even so, I don't regret my decision to hire Justine because she was there during the most intense parts of my delivery, & not to say I couldn’t have done it without her but it would have been a completely different experience if she wasn’t there. She was my coach & cheerleader. She gave me her body to lean on. She gave me confidence & the will to keeping going when I felt I couldn’t do it anymore. I look back at my intense labor & delivery experience with pride & am grateful I had the support I needed. My baby just turned 2 months, my husband & I are planning our first date without baby & using the 4 hour post partum doula support that was a part of my package, what a great perk! I highly recommend  anytone to hire Justine & her team for your doula needs. 

-Maha B

March 27, 2023

a photo from Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 4/18/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/18/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas