Testimonial for Elaine Allen

I could never thank Elaine enough for the role she played in my labor, delivery and even the confidence she helped me feel while pregnant. She was the most perfect match for our family as a doula. While pregnant she had wonderful recommendations of different things to do like a chiropractor or acupuncturist, as well as a wonderful pregnancy tea she made! She supported us in ever wish we had for labor, delivery & postpartum. Elaine was there reminding me as my due date came and went about my goals and about trusting my body. She went above and beyond as my labor support. She helped my husband feel supported in his role as well. Guiding him in supporting positions and techniques he could use. He wasn’t on board with getting a doula initially but he was the first one singing her praises in the delivery room the morning after our sweet girl was born. He was thankful for her guidance in how to best support me through labor. Once I received the epidural she continued facilitating position changes and acupressure. Even though that wasn’t my initial goal she never made me feel anything less than proud of myself and safe in my decision. On top of all of the support and love she showed our family she took the most beautiful birth photos I could have ever asked for. The photos I will treasure for a lifetime. Elaine is amazing and a true gift from God to us! She made my second birth a very redemptive one and I cannot thank her enough for the hard work she put into supporting me through all of it.


March 26, 2023

a photo from Elaine Allen

Elaine Allen

Masa Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated 7/29/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/29/2024

Years in practice