Testimonial for Tiffany Blackham

As a first time mom, my goal was to have an unmedicated hospital birth. From our first meeting with Tiffany, we knew she was the one to accompany us on our pregnancy, labor, and postpartum journey. It felt good to be in her presence and she made me feel very confident in myself!

Once I started feeling surges come on, I texted Tiffany to let her know I was starting labor. Later in the afternoon, my surges were really becoming consistent & my husband took over texting with Tiffany. Our plan was to labor at home for as long as possible. While I was laboring at home, Tiffany gave my husband direction and suggestions about moving me in and out of the warm bath, to the toilet, to the bed, using a warm compress, etc. to help comfort me. She guided us the entire time we were at home.

When it was finally time to go to the hospital, my husband texted Tiffany so she could meet us there. We arrived at the hospital and I was 9.5 centimeters dilated! Tiffany made sure my birth preferences were being honored, which I was so appreciative of while I continued to focus labor.

Fast forward to breathing our baby boy down & pushing him out. Our son began to crown and I continued to push. After pushing for a while after our son was crowning, the OB told me I only had two more pushes/surges to get baby out, otherwise we had to think about other measures. I knew there was no way I had made it this far, unmedicated, only to end up having a c-section. At this point, Tiffany really came to my rescue and reminded me of my closed glottis versus open glottis breathing and she gave me that extra reminder and push that finally helped me get baby out!! It was magical! Also, I felt so accomplished knowing I had the birth that I set out to have!

Lastly, Tiffany continued to support me postpartum and checked in with me to see how I was doing, emotionally and physically. It's such a huge life change, and having Tiffany's support postpartum was also key!

-Patricia Carpenter

March 26, 2023

a photo from Tiffany Blackham

Tiffany Blackham

Sage Sol Studio

Birth Fee: $2500 to $4000


Updated 12/28/2024

Birth Fee: $2500 to $4000


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 12/28/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice