Testimonial for Amber Matteson

Amber was absolutely critical to my labor and birth experience, and I would recommend her to anyone! I had a lot of doubts going into this process and wasn't sure what I would be able to handle; I thought MAYBE I could have an unmedicated birth but assumed I would want an epidural. Amber was very open to all options and made it clear she would support any choice I made. I completely credit her for championing me throughout my labor and helping me get through it without an epidural. She came when called and was by my side the whole time, telling me I could--and was--DOING IT. While I ended up being induced early and didn't have the opportunity to labor at home with her support, she helped my husband and I decide on a course of action after our hospital care team provided us with several options. We truly did not know how to proceed, so we called Amber and she talked us through our options so we felt more confident in our decision. Even though Amber was not with us during the early labor process, she was pivotal at the moment we needed her and then was a phone call away and came to the hospital when I went into active labor. Even as I was laboring and pushing, I was asking her, "Am I doing this right? Is everything OK?" She was always reassuring and would remind me that every push was bringing my baby closer and that there was no "rush." We also didn't necessarily intend to film our labor but had given Amber permission to take photos and videos. I didn't realize this until several weeks later, but she captured the moment on video, and I am so grateful to have such an empowering moment recorded forever. My husband and I will never forget the support she provided. Even now, at five months post-partum, it brings me to tears. We are so grateful! Thank you, Amber!


February 08, 2023

a photo from Amber Matteson

Amber Matteson

Intimate Connections Doula & Perinatal Services

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $45 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice