Testimonial for Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

I was hooked on Jill after reading her reviews. We met on Zoom at the end of a 1st trimester plagued with doubts, on the heels of a miscarriage. Jill picked up on my anxieties and made it known that pregnancies like mine are her specialty.

From 15w Jill became my after-hours resource when my doctor's office was closed (that's when the stressful stuff happens). She gave us a list of her favorite baby items, helped us pick a childbirth instructor... she's very collaborative, and doesn't push. We got to know each other via text (and during our two prenatal home visits, where she did a super helpful nursery check and gave input on our hospital packing list), and kept her posted through the rollercoaster of pregnancy, including being diagnosed with gestational diabetes & polyhydramnios, the baby flipping breech and back again... Jill was not stressed out (& in turn didn't stress me out!) about any of these developments. 

I ended up having a very long induction. Jill smartly suggested I get an epidural at a critical decision point when we called her at 3am. When she arrived the following morning, medical interventions were not working & I was on the road to a c-section if something couldn't be done. That's when Jill made magic happen. She did energy work, encouraged me to nap, moved me into the right positions... and labor progressed! When it was finally time to push, amidst fever, vomiting and exhaustion, Jill helped me find an inner reserve of strength to push the baby out in the position that worked for me. She also took amazing birth photos that we will cherish, allowing my husband to be in the moment.

Jill has stayed in close touch since, & gifted us with a personalized copy of her book. She has a passion for birthing and for her clients that is clearly a calling. Jill says that the universe will put the right people in your path, and we're very glad to have found her. If you have the chance to work with her, do it!

-Elysse A

January 17, 2023

a photo from Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin-Doula CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 10/1/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 10/1/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice