Testimonial for Jaime Burt

My partner, Brendan, and I hired Jaime as our doula before the birth of my first daughter, in 2021. What I most liked about Jaime was her communication style: she was able to be direct while remaining calm, and had a soothing style of speaking. I could also tell she was really knowledgable and well-informed on the entire process of birth. All of that was reassuring to me as a first-time pregnant lady/mom. I was extremely hopeful that I would have a vaginal birth, but due to our baby's size (and stubborness from my OB), I was convinved (forced?) to have a c-section. I am still disappointed about that, one year on, but it's something I choose not to dwell on. Being late 2021, COVID was still lingering, so Jaime was not allowed into the OR with me. She did come to the delivery suite and chatted with Brendan and I for nearly 3 hours while we waited to go into the OR - something I found pleasently distracting and helpful in the moment, but have even more fondness of now;  looking back, I can better appreciate what a nice distraction it was to have her there, and she asked the nurses some great questions that I wouldn't have thought to. So while my vision for how Jaime and I would work together never came to fruition, I hope this message conveys my satisfaction and happiness with Jaime's services. Her reliable, communicative, gentle-yet-firm approach to pregnancy and birth really helped me in my journey. I would highly recommend her! 

-Bridget O'Brien

January 17, 2023

Jaime Burt

Intuition Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Updated 6/13/2024

Birth Fee: $1600 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $35 to $45


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/13/2024

Years in practice