Testimonial for Desiree' L. Young

Desiree' is quite literally the best post partum doula that could ever exist. We had a few backup doulas through our agency that were also fantastic, but Desiree' stands out even among that amazing crowd. We never had any help with our first two kids, but we knew with a third on the way, we were going to need more support. Desiree' showed up and just knew what we needed without us even asking. She had a backpack full of baby care things that she could whip out as needed and so she would never have to wake us up for anything (except nursing in my case). She provided us advice on baby care (turns out we didn't already know everything!) and just made us feel at ease right away. Our third started daycare and I went back to work while she was still with us, and she helped so much during that transition. Our third definitely picked up some bugs from her siblings and daycare and Desiree' held her all night for several nights so she could sleep well and then when she was better, got her right back into a good sleeping schedule. 

We aren't people who love having others stay in our home, but with Desiree', we never wanted her to leave. I feel sad she isn't with us anymore even now, but our child sleeps amazing and through the night (also thanks to her) so it was time for her to move on. You would be crazy not to hire her!

-Sarah Haque

January 17, 2023

a photo from Desiree' L. Young

Desiree' L. Young

Loving Labors

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1650

Postpartum Rate: $25 to $35


Updated 9/4/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1650

Postpartum Rate: $25 to $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/4/2024

Years in practice