Rachel was an exceptional doula. She truly made my home birth experience amazing. She helped me during active labor get into positions to move my baby down the birth canal and within 4 hours my baby was born. She had little tricks up her sleeve like using essential oils like clary sage and peppermint when I was nauseous. She made sure I was hydrated and had nourishment and talked me through the painful contractions of transition I experienced after my water broke. She helped me into a side lying release stretch which ended up breaking my water and within 20 min of my water breaking my baby was earthside. When I was pushing she brought a cold cloth to my head and she worked so seamlessly with my midwife. Aside from my wonderful birth experience with Rachel, before my baby was born Rachel was extremely responsive and even was willing to do a private spinning babies class for me due to my husband being active duty in the military and already have a young toddler and no family or friends nearby as we had just moved to Texas within the last year. She came to my house on several occasions for prenatal visits, met my husband and my son, and connected me with resources through the military. Postpartum, Rachel continued to be very responsive if I had any questions and checked in on me. Rachel is not just a special doula but an incredibly special human and I’m forever grateful to have met her and to have access to having her as a part of my birth team as her role was so essential to my entire experience. I truly don’t know if I could’ve made it through a natural home birth without her and our family is forever grateful.
-Brittany Henderson
January 03, 2023
Doula Rachel
Birth Fee: $2250