Testimonial for Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

After connecting with Barbie, we talked to her on the phone for an hour and just felt immediately connected to her. We decided to book her as our doula. She was immediately supportive, sending weekly articles and updates about pregnancy, and responsive to questions. She spent time talking us through our birth wishes, potential outcomes, and fears we had. Even with my immense preparation and education, she was extremely helpful just redirecting my anxieties. She was available throughout my entire 56 hour labor. My husband and I spent the first 18 hours at home, and supported us over text and phone when we questioned when to go to the hospital, and offered advise on ways to cope. At the hospital, we had a somewhat difficult experience with the triage staff, Barbie helped to keep me confident in my decisions. I continued to labor naturally for an additional 18 hours in the hospital, where barbie helped motivate me to manage with the pain. I was stuck at 6cm dialated for a long time, the back labor was unbearable, and I could not get any rest. After 36 hours, I brought up getting an epidural. Barbie talked through all the options with me in a realistic way and helped me come to the final conclusion on my own as to what would be the best call. I finally made it to 10 cm and Barbie directed me through several different types of pushing positions which I wouldn't have known to do. After 3 hours of pushing, my little girl finally made her way into the world. Barbie took amazing photos of the whole process, and narrated for me after she was born everything that was happening. I feel so honored to have her as part of my birth experience, and don't know how I would have done it without her. I will be using her for my future births and recommending her to all of my friends. I think it's imperative that you have an advocate for yourself during childbirth to ensure that it's as least of a traumatic experience as possible, and tl harness the beauty and power in the journey.

-Gina Kerwin

December 16, 2022

a photo from Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice