Testimonial for Erin Clark

I am currently home with a healthy and happy baby. I am excited for motherhood and couldn't have been in the postive mindset I'm in if it weren't for the help, support and amazing guidance of Doula, Erin Clark. This is my first child so I was very anxious. I had no idea what I was getting into.  A friend of mine that hired Erin previously told me what a doula was and how much it helped her. I decided to call Erin and I am estatic that I did. Not only was sher personable, attentative but she was also very patient and comforting with my high anxiety. She was proactive from the very beggining! I was sent information from her on a regular basis on how to prepare myself and my baby for a successful delivery. She was a great teacher in regards to explining all my options I had for delivery.  She had amazing knowledge and answered all my questions. There was no such thing as a "stupid" question with her which helped tremendously. My boyfriend hasn't stopped thanking me for hiring her. He was nervous and wasn't sure how to best support me through contractions and stress (I am a worried/stressball haha). She gave him confidence and I feel that she prepared him for the birth of our child. He asked her questions as well and we both felt very supported by Erin. She knows her stuff!!! I am almost on week three of recovery and feel great! She is honest with me to make sure I put myself first for healing while taking care of my daughter. Her door was always open when I had questions and even after delivery. I enjoyed the home visits and she always left my boyfriend and me in high spirits. I will be foever grateful for Erin's support and I am super happy she was by my side through this amazing journey. I  can't wait to tell my daughter how much she helped me stay calm to have a smooth/least amount of stress delivery. She made the journey absolutely beautiful. 

-Aliya Rakhmetova

December 09, 2022

a photo from Erin Clark

Erin Clark

Doula EAC

Birth Fee: $900 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Updated 8/29/2024

Birth Fee: $900 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/29/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice