Testimonial for Cashew Pendergrass | Holistic Perinatal Care

My ultimate birth goal was to be able to have a natural unmedicated labor while bringing earth bound a healthy baby. I achieved this by mentally and physically using the different techniques that cashew showed me. Cash reminded me how magnificently strong my body is, how I should trust myself more with how im feeling and reminded me that we are all so strong and made for everything we go through during labor. As a first time mother I felt lost at times and wondered how I was going to make it through, but she offered me guidance and made me feel like I knew what i was doing. When the time came, I was empowered by the strength I know we all carry. cashew made me feel connected to all the women that had birthed before me and reminded me that the strength of my ancestors was within me. I remember how comfortable I felt, you can feel the loving energy radiating from within Cash. It brought me  peace of mind which in turn allowed me to be vulnerable and open up about my fears and desires for birth and my mothering journey. Cash listened to me and remembered details about my birth plan, things like music, massage and communication during my labor all while making me feel in control. talking me through my contractions with supportive words and gentle touch. I also loved that she helped make my partner feel included while showing him different ways to offer me more support. She never left my side and continued to offer me her support postpartum. Cash made me feel seen where our world now revolves around baby. Reminding me that I also deserve support and continued guidance in my new world. l felt blessed to have been able to have someone by my side who supported and empowered me. As a first time mother there was a lot, I didn't know but she always encouraged me and never made me feel as if I didn't already have the answers within me, through continuous encouragement and self-worth she helped guide and remind me of my own strength and knowledge. 

-Anna Trujillo

December 06, 2022

a photo from Cashew Pendergrass | Holistic Perinatal Care

Birth Fee: $0 to $3500

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $65


Updated 10/9/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $3500

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $65


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 10/9/2024

Years in practice