Simone entered our home both ready to listen and to help guide with comfortable expertise. We are a trans family and felt completely safe and comfortable in her care at all times. She helped us create a birth plan that met more needs than I knew I had! We didn't end up getting the home birth we wanted and so Simone met us at the hospital when labour had begun. She jumped in with sure hands. Her massage and steady pressure on my back helped ground me and take the edge off of contractions. She helped take charge of the room and brought a sense of calm and assuredness to my birth team, so I could focus inwards while she took care of the rest. After labour, she was beside me with a cold drink and a snack (pretty sure it was the best-tasting thing I've ever had) and somehow also hand-fed me grapes as I lay there and delivered the placenta! Her home visits after brought laughter as we recounted funny moments in the hospital. She was ready to help with anything that needed doing and we felt so totally surrounded by care and support. If I were ever to do this again (which is a hard never, sorry Mom), I would ask Simone again in a heartbeat.
-Katrina Crawshaw
December 01, 2022
Birth Fee: $750 to $1000
Postpartum Rate: $35