Testimonial for Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

We will never have the words to express how deeply we appreciate Justine.  I experienced a lot of trauma with my first birth, but through her guidance, I was able to not only heal from that, but be able to enter a new pregnancy with an open mind and positive thinking for this next birth.  The compassion, skill and expertise she brought to the delivery room for us, not once, but twice (very happy, repeat clients here!), is immeasurable.  I was feeling a lot of fear about having gone into labor naturally this time (first birth was induced), but the moment I saw her at the hospital for this birth, my stress level lessened, and I felt so seen and well-cared for every step of the way.  The way she helped me navigate this birth, it felt like a beautiful dance: her leading me through the steps and seeming to know exactly what I needed and when.  From position changes and coaching through contractions, to knowing when to chat/distract me vs. letting my partner and I have time to ourselves, to even thoughtful details like aromatherapy when the mood/situation was about to change, she adeptly knew how to navigate it all.  It all felt so seamless and magical.  And she worked so well with the midwife and nursing staff to ensure mine and my partner's needs were met.  I will never be able to thank her enough for what she's done for our family and how she has positively influenced both of my birth stories.  


November 11, 2022

a photo from Midwest Doulas- Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Updated 4/18/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 4/18/2024

Certified doulas
Certified doulas