Testimonial for Elaine Allen

We used Elaine as our doula with our third baby, and very much wished we would have used her with our first two babies. The Lord had been challenging my thoughts around the topic of birth for quite some time. We knew our third was going to be our last biological baby and I had felt the Lord impressing on me a deep desire to have a birth that was centered and focused around the Lord. I had attempted to have a natural (no epidural) delievery with my first two babies, but ended up opting for the epidural last minute. So with my third, it was important to me to have an unmadicated birth, and I would do whatever it took to achive that. I had been seeing an OB the first 18 weeks of my pregnancy and felt like I needed to step out in faith and switch to a birthing center. So after my husband and I talked, we agreed that we needed to step out in faith and trust the Lord for the birth that we desired. We soon after met with Elaine and instantly after meeting with her felt so at peace about her being our doula. She prayed for us, and walked us through her process and what she offered. We loved her! Our care with her was filled with intentionality, gentleness, love, knowledge, and joy. The evening I went into labor everything happened really fast! I fell asleep, and at 9pm I woke up in full blown labor! Contractions were close and intense, we called elaine & she was QUICK to get to the birthing center. She made the room feel cosy and peaceful. Elaine prayed with me, encouraged me, held me, and reminded me that I could do it. Right before Wilder crowned I told Elaine I was tired, and I wanted it over, she encouraged me like a sister would and affirmed me that I could make it through the toughest part. Right before Wilder came out, he was stuck for a minute or two and Elaine responded efficently and swiftly, while still remaining peaceful, and within a few seconds Wilder was out! Elaine served us with integrity, kindness, and joy! She is a gift, and a well of knowledge

-Mary-Kate & Caleb Goins

October 13, 2022

a photo from Elaine Allen

Elaine Allen

Masa Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated 7/29/2024

Birth Fee: $1200 to $1400

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/29/2024

Years in practice