Testimonial for Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Ive reflected on our journey& want to give Lydia her flowers! When I mentioned a doula my husband's immediate response was "What's an Abdula can't I just be the Abdula?" LOL, NO sir.I had already been vetting doulas& had stumbled upon 1 in particular that I just knew would be "THE ONE"I scheduled a consult& we talked about my reasons for wanting a doula fears& concerns that I had as a FTM(black mother)&how I envisioned my birth.This lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.I was ready to lock her in I just needed to get my husband on board.I scheduled an appt for the 3of us to connect.He was very straightforward& wanted to know WHO,WHAT,&more importantly the WHY.Lydia shared her story with us& why shes made it her passion to help families become educated having the birth they not only desire but deserve. She completely blew my husbands expectations out of the water& it was a done deal.Lydia created a schedule to help us prepare. She introduced us to EVIDENCE BASED childbirth breastfeeding education &communityShe came to our home helped us create a birth plan. We did some very serious role playing along w/ comfort measure techniquesThe list goes on but more importantly Lydia on our birth team has given us a true sense of relief &empowerment.Shes helped us become advocates for ourselves& baby. She coached my husband on being the protector of our birth space. She's remained 1 phone call/text away, very responsive in offering support from a clinical& realistic standpoint. We Would recommend Lydia In a heartbeat. She is truly God sent& fully demonstrated why this is her calling.The birth world desperately needs more Lydia's &I pray that more women continue to invest in her support because it's unmatched.THANK YOU for being you& providing us with the support and knowledge to confidently own our birthjourney You have given us hope& it's been a true blessing having you a part of this sacred moment

-Morghan & Paul

September 22, 2022

a photo from Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice