Testimonial for Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

My husband and I were so fortunate to have Exie present at the birth of both our children. We were new to the idea of a doula when we were pregnant with my son. We looked into it after my sister-in-law recommended it and during our birthing class our teacher mentioned it (and when we asked she recommended Exie). The prenatal support Exie gave us was fantastic. As first time parents we had no idea what to expect with the pregnancy and she was there to answer most of our questions. She is always researching new studies to give us the best information out there. I was induced ten days late with my son. The labor went well until the last couple minutes of pushing. Exie was such an amazing support for my husband during that time.
With our second pregnancy we knew right away we wanted to have Exie with us during the birth of our daughter. Luckily this time around everything went smoothly (aside from my baby being 5 days late and having to be induced again). Our induction this time was closer to midnight, so my husband and I were quite exhausted. Exie allowed my husband to rest during the first stages of labor and helped me along. She is such an emotional motivator, I’m not sure I could have done a natural birth without her support. She also involved my husband in everything and helped him figure out what he could do to help me (he needed the direction in that situation).
I couldn’t imagine either of my children’s births without Exie and would highly recommend her to anyone. She’s knowledgeable and the massage therapy specialty helped greatly.

-Lindsay Hoyt

January 05, 2010

a photo from Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

Exie Buehler, CBD (CBI), CPD (CBI), Dip CBEd (CBI)

Tranquil Touch Birth & Women's Wellness

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Updated 8/6/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $75 to $100


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/6/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice