Jackie was a great fit as a doula to help me prepare for and experience my second birth. She was non-judgmental and fully supported my goal of having a successful VBAC, yet at the same time gently encouraged me to consider other outcomes and how to be more accepting of them should they occur. My partner and I really appreciated the exercises and supportive positions she guides us through during our prenatal visits, and we especially used the counterpressure while laboring at home during my contractions! When Jackie met us at the hospital, I didn't expect to already be about to push, but she jumped right in giving me her soothing energy, fanning me, and offering sips of water between contractions. She captured some of our first photos after the birth, which was so appreciated! Our arrival at the hospital was a whirlwind and my husband had left our car in front of the emergency room entrance as we rushed in, so Jackie also played valet by parking it for us and bringing our bags into the room after delivery! During our postpartum visit, Jackie had great advice on helping me adjust to being a mom of a toddler and a newborn and I really valued that she had firsthand experience to share. Thanks for being such an important part of our birth team, Jackie!
August 09, 2022
Balance in Birth
Birth Fee: $1800