Testimonial for Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

I was interested in having a doula but my fiancee wasnt familiar with what a doula was. We discussed the different options with Lydia and we had her assist us with our birth plan and also postpartum with lactation services. I was induced at 37weeks for IUGR. All the education we had was very helpful and I feel like it made my labor go by very smoothly. I wanted a birth without an epidural and the contractions with pitocin were hard. During labor i was able to think of all the options Lydia told us about and I had one dose of IV medication and I was able to get through my birth with nothing else. We had a great experience and so much of that was because we were educated and knew what to expect. We learned what questions to ask and how to advocate for ourselves. After birth I was struggling with Breastfeeding so I scheduled lacation visits with Lydia. Within my first lactation appointment with her, it was like night and day. She made a few suggestions and created a plan for me to follow and also sent me PDFs with more information to share with my family. She also discussed how my postpartum recovery was and it made things a lot better for me as a first time mom. Really having an expert to help you and not just taking advice from other people will really make a difference in your own experience. It was a huge victory for me to see my baby improving after the help we received from Lydia. It made me feel good as a mom that I was able to do this for my baby. I highly recommend Lydia as a doula and lactation consultant to other families. Im a nurse and even as a nurse I recognize I dont know everything about birth so having someone I could rely on and to check in on me regularly helped so much. Im glad we put our money towards this and invested in this service.


July 25, 2022

a photo from Lydia Robinson CD(DONA), RN, CPM, IBCLC

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $75 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: Not specified


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice