Testimonial for Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

After a traumatic first birth, I knew with my second child I needed a doula who would be both my anchor, advocate, and ally. I knew I needed Caellyn! I've known Caellyn for a few years through the birthworker community, and have always been so amazed and impressed by her gentle strength, passion, and deep wisdom. I have always sensed epic generations of birthworkers before her, guiding her hands and heart in her work. 

Prenatally, she  made space for my feelings and answered my questions honestly, with a wonderful synergy of earned wisdom and evidence-based knowledge. She was the first to encourage me to tune out unhelpful words and advice when my daughter was 10 days past her due date. I'm convinced that's what helped my body get ready for labor. 

When labor did finally start after I encouraged it a bit, it was fast and furious! Caellyn talked with me on the phone while she made her way to us, which kept me grounded, focused, and able to stay in my ritual and rhythm. As the contractions expanded me deep into labor, Caellyn made sure I was listening to my body and staying connected. Her voice was like a beacon through the waves. Between Caellyn's guidance and my midwife's skill, I was able to have a beautiful empowering homebirth. I still glow with the feeling of being fully in my power as I surrendered to birth. 

My partner and I are done having children, but if we did, we would hire Caellyn again in an instant. I feel so blessed to be in community with her, and that we had her there at our daughter's birth. 


July 25, 2022

a photo from Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

Caellyn Everson, CD(DONA)

Held In Arms Birth Services

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 8/26/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice