Testimonial for Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

It's hard to know where to start, but the immediate takeaway is that if you want to feel supported in your birth journey and have so much fun, Jill is the right Doula for you. In fact, I recently shared with Jill how sad I was that I wouldn't get to hang out with her, my OBGYN, and the stellar nurses at Cedars unless we had another baby - that's how much fun we had during L&D!

We were referred to Jill by our fantastic OBGYN. She mentioned she had recently had a wonderful experience with a Doula and that her addition to the room for her patient provided a soothing and positive experience. My OBGYN flagged that her experiences with Doulas weren't always so wonderful, but Jill was great!

Immediately we reached out to Jill, and thank goodness she was available. We hit it off after our first virtual visit, and after our first in-person, we knew we had made the right choice. We greatly appreciated Jill's expertise and guidance in helping us determine our approach when it came to the delivery day. She is organized, firm when needed, and highly supportive.

While not everything went according to plan (I'm a type-A planner, and it won't go as planned so don't freak out), Jill was our constant advocate and voice of reason throughout every step. I also can't emphasize how comforting and beautiful it was to watch her combine forces seamlessly with our OBGYN and nurses. In the 7.5 weeks I've had to reflect on my labor/delivery experience, I keep returning to how peaceful and joyful it was, despite the painful contractions. Our entire family adores Jill, including our 90 lbs pup Dexter who participated in every working session. We miss you Jill. Thank you for everything!

-Etosha & Justin

July 14, 2022

a photo from Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin-Doula CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 7/31/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice