Testimonial for Katie Terry

I told my husband as soon as we came home from a unexpected c section that I wanted to go for a VBAC and that I wanted Katie to be our doula. He had never heard of a doula, and wasn’t sure what the purpose was, but he willing to roll with whatever I wanted since my first birth wasn't like my “plan”. From the first meeting, Katie impressed us with her professionalism and her ability to explain what a doula does and why they are valuable in the L&D room. Throughout my pregnancy, Katie provided support for questions from prenatal visits, picking a supportive provider, and educational services for us like childbirth classes and information. We took the spinning babies courses and did all the stretches and exercises  to help prepare all the while Katie checked with us and made sure we knew our “birth options” and helped us create a birth plan from those options. We had done everything to prepare when I went into active labor and during labor Katie supported me, my husband, and even the labor and delivery nurses with knowledge and helped us stick to the plan we had chosen. She worked with comfort measures and gave it 110% the entire time despite my labor taking way longer than anticipated. By the time we ended our birth, we knew we had done everything we possibly could have done to change the outcome even though things still didn’t go “our way”. Katie allowed me to have my feelings about where we were at, she held my hand, let me cry, encouraged me, and she supported my husband and made him laugh in a time that easily could have torn both of us apart. We absolutely could not have made it through without her. My husband has now changed his perspective and is literally telling anyone who will listen that they need a doula for their birth and it needs to be Katie. She stayed with us postpartum for a bit and then checked up on us the following days to come. I cannot recommend her enough.

-Heather Smith

June 11, 2022

a photo from Katie Terry

Katie Terry

The Shoals Doula

Birth Fee: $0 to $1200

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Updated 7/27/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $1200

Postpartum Rate: $20 to $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/27/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice