Laurel was a lifesaver for our family when our son was born.
Our son was not sleeping, had a lip and tongue tie and after months of me getting less than 5hrs sleep a night and ultimately crying to my son's pediatrician, we knew it was time for help.
Laurel was an answer to our prayers.
She was very communicative and easy to coordinate with. She was great with our son, watching him while I got some desperately needed sleep. While he napped, she would do laundry or help prep meals for the week. But it went well beyond that... she helped make lactation cookies to boost my milk supply, researched different nursing positions to help my son eat, gave us tips on sleep best practices, taught us all about wake windows and even adjusted his car seat when he had outgrown the newborn adjustments. We are better parents because of her.
I wish everyone could have a Laurel. I can only hope she is available if we ever have a second child!
June 05, 2022
The Seagull Nest
Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60