Testimonial for Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Where do I begin? I hired Jill VERY early on in my pregnancy. I had a traumatic first birth that ended in a c-section and always regretted not having a doula. So the second time around, I wanted to square that away from the get go. Jill basically supported me emotionally for 7 months. She cheered me on, called out my self-doubt, gave me resources, and helped me build my VBAC supportive birth team. I knew she was the doula for me when we had a consult and I briefed her on my first birth and I felt her empathy and understanding of how the traditional hospital system failed me. My pregnancy ended in a beautiful home birth with Jill by my side every step of the way. She was also amazing for my husband who was nervous to have a home birth, but knew he didn't want to subject me to the same trauma again. We had a scare with baby around 34 weeks and Jill was ready to come running to me. She was amazing with my older son too, getting to know him so that he'd recognize her. To summarize, Jill knows EVERYTHING there is to know and you can't go wrong with her. Not to mention her amazing personality! She is insanely funny, incredibly caring, and an incredible advocate. Even though I didn't birth in a hospital she made me feel 100% ready to tackle any unsupportive providers that I may have had to face. She gave me the validation and strength to demand what I wanted and needed in every step of my pregnancy. Not to mention she let me vent to her anytime I had a setback. If I ever have more kids I'm hiring her again in a heartbeat. She will be near and dear to my family's hearts forever!

-Aspen Arnthors

May 24, 2022

a photo from Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin CD(DONA)

Jill Magoffin-Doula CD(DONA)

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated 7/31/2024

Birth Fee: $0 to $5000

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 7/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice