My husband and I planned on a lovely homebirth. We wanted no interventions, no epidural no Pitocin etc. We daughter the services of a doula to help me with pain managment in labor and guide us through the homembirth process. This was our first child. We never in a million years envisioned the birth of our son to go as it did. At 36 weeks I showed signs of pre-eclampsia and was advised by our midwife to go straight to the hospital. We were induced that day. After I met the doctor who would deliver our baby and the epidural went in I started to question whether Kelly really needed to come or not. I wouldn't feel anything so why would I need a doula. I could not have been more wrong!! Kelly was a godsend throughout my entire labor and beyond. She provided immeasurable comfort to me and my husband and acted as liaison between us and hospital staff. She helped us understand the options we were faced with and make the best decision for my safety and our babies. We cannot imagine going through this experience without her. She turned something really scary into a beautiful birth story. Wether you're planning an unmedicated home birth or the traditional hospital route, you will want Kelly by your side.
-Merrill Schneider
April 20, 2022
Sunshine Doula Services
Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350