Testimonial for Saltwater Doulas

My name is Chloe Parcell, and I gave birth to my daughter Madelyn on March 3, 2022. Ashley Brittain acted as my doula during my birth. I had to be induced due to preeclampsia 3 weeks early. Ashley was acting as my substitute doula, and I was a little nervous before she came because we had not had a chance to meet. However, from the minute Ashley entered the room, all my worries went away. She walked into the room with an amazing energy that immediately made me feel at ease. Ashley came after I had received my epidural, and she helped me get into a better position to move along my labor and help me feel comfortable. For the rest of the night, Ashley helped me switched positions every 30-45 minutes. My labor was progressing well, and I was ready to push by 8:30 that morning. During this time, Ashley helped me and motivated me. When Madelyn was born, with my permission, Ashley captured amazing photos that my husband and I will cherish forever. Throughout my postpartum healing, Ashley has been extremely helpful and comforting. She has continued to check in on me and help me through breastfeeding. Ashley also came to visit me and helped me with Madelyn's issues with sleeping at night. I would highly recommend Ashley to any new parents. Having her as a resource is something I am grateful for. 

-Chloe Parcell

April 20, 2022

a photo from Saltwater Doulas

Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $50


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Birth Fee: $0 to $2200

Postpartum Rate: $0 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified doulas