Testimonial for Ellen Jordano

I chose Ellen to be our doula before even meeting her due to her wonderful reviews but after actually meeting her I knew 100% that I wanted her to be there when our daughter was born. To my surprise, Ellen was there for me when I needed her most, during the pregnancy. I wanted a natural birth and I was labeled as "high risk". Everytime I was confronted with a difficult appointment or struggled with making decisions based on my care teams advice, Ellen was there to remind me of what I wanted in my birth and helped me to relax and get grounded again. I was so appreciative for all she did. She was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to about my pregnancy and asked for updates so she would know how to help me. My labor went really fast so she didn't get much of an opportunity to help with supporting me during waves but she dropped everything and came as soon as I told her it was time to head to the hospital. She met us there and grabbed our bags as we ran from the ER to the OB. She then gave a few hip squeezes and baby was born. So although we didn't have much time together during the actual birth, she did what she had time to do to support me.

After getting home Ellen checked in with us to make sure everything was going ok. She checked in with me after my post partum appointments as well.

She's well educated and if there is something she isn't sure about she spends the time to research it. 

My husband also appreciated having Ellen available during the pregnancy. This gave him the comfort in knowing we had someone outside of the health care system who understood all that comes with pregnancy. He asked questions and in the end felt comfortable enough to catch our baby with our midwife by his side. This was something he was absolutely scared to do before we discussed it with Ellen.

Ellen is such a sweet lady and I would 100% hire her again.


April 08, 2022

a photo from Ellen Jordano

Ellen Jordano


Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Updated 8/10/2024

Birth Fee: $900

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/10/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice