Rollyn was absolutely amazing to have in my corner for the delivery of my third child. I worked with her virtually from Colorado, and she helped me through the challenges of first trimester nausea and navigating a breech baby up until 36 weeks with resources, support, and encouragement (and baby did flip!). Rollyn always felt available to me, including when I went into unexpected early labor 4 weeks early. Due to not having childcare set up for my older children that early in my pregnancy, I had to go to the hospital on my own with contractions, and Rollyn was supporting me through the whole process with encouragement, calming words, and making me feel like I had someone on my team. My labor ended up stopping, and ironically, I went all the way to 41 weeks. Rollyn was again so supportive during those impatient, uncomfortable days leading up to and beyond my due date. One thing I really appreciate about Rollyn is that she is such a knowledgable, nonjudgmental space to process what's going on and what your options are. I truly felt her support in allowing me to make the best decision for myself, and then giving me resources and ideas based on the decisions I made. No matter what type of birth you dream of and hope for, you will feel empowered and so, so grateful to have Rollyn as part of your birth team!
-Krista Harper
March 30, 2022
The RollyMama
Birth Fee: $1800