I was visiting my sister in San Diego after she had just had her baby. My sister's birth was traumatic for her and she was uncertain about nursing. After seeing my sister have a physical response while relaying her birth story to me, I knew we had to get someone in the home to help her process a little more and also help with nursing.
I texted a few doulas, but the only one that messaged back was Dara. And I am so glad she did
Dara brought so much peace to my sisters home. I saw an instant change come over my sister as Dara was honoring her and giving her time to share her story. She was super knowledgeable, listened and helped my sister navigate her feelings about her birth. She worked really hard with my sister and baby Willow to get her latch, and taught us all about the Haka.
I would 100% recommend Dara to everyone. She's on her way to becoming a midwife and I'm so glad she is.
What a lovely person.
Thank you, Dara!
March 20, 2022
Dara The Doula
Birth Fee: Not specified
Postpartum Rate: Not specified