Testimonial for Vickie Fernandez Wint

Engaging with Vickie to support my family and me throughout my pregnancy was the best decision I could have made. I firmly believe I would not have had as special and confident a pregnancy or labor experience as I did if I had not worked with Vickie. 

During my pregnancy Vickie empathetically supported my family by consistently providing a space for us to vocalize our concerns and hopes. She asked open ended questions to elicit thoughtful responses, provided resources proactively depending on how far along I was as well as reactively when I voiced confusion, and always presented us with the full array of options without pushing any one as "the right choice". This skill she has, of sharing options without pushing you towards one or the other, is honestly what I appreciated the most about her. It gave me confidence in the fact that I was making MY OWN decision once I was well-informed.

During my labor Vickie was essential - I don't know if I could have done it without her. What I appreciated most about having her at the hospital with my partner and I, was her constant advocacy for me. I realized it's easy for the LnD staff to forget that the birthing parent is a person also, in addition to the baby, who needs to be centered throughout - Vickie kept this top of mind. That day is a blur, but I distinctly remember her asking me "do you have any questions" each time a hospital staffer would engage me in a conversation about my care. I wasn't in the right head space to remember I probably did have questions - she reminded me of it and for that I am grateful.

Post partum I am continuing to rely on Vickie's incredible support for all sorts of questions, from "how do I use this baby carrier?" "Is this baby behavior normal?" to "I need help figuring out how to ask my partner for help". She checks in on us regularly to make sure we have everything we need.

I couldn't recommend Vickie more - she's incredible!


March 07, 2022

a photo from Vickie Fernandez Wint

Vickie Fernandez Wint

Nurtured Beginnings LLC

Birth Fee: $3250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 11/20/2023

Birth Fee: $3250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 11/20/2023

Years in practice