Testimonial for Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

Hiring Barbie as my doula was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! After our first meeting with her I felt so calm and relaxed! Like the weight of the world (all my labor fears) had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Barbie was so kind, genuine and intelligent! She took charge of helping craft our birth plan and was so experienced and knowledgeable on all things baby and delivery! She walked my husband and I through everything to come with care! Even though we had been through it before it had been 3 years and we definitely needed the refresher course! She came right to our home and was so kind and welcoming to our son as well.

My first pregnancy had ended in a C-section and long recovery and I was really motivated to have a VBAC for my second pregnancy and with the help of Barbie I was able to accomplish this amazing feat! I so wished that I had had her in my corner advocating for me during my first pregnancy. Oh how different it would have been! I had certainly not researched enough and my husband was not prepared for the role of advocating for my wishes. In the sometimes craziness of labor and delivery you really need someone who can talk with the nurses and or midwives and doctors and really let them know what your wants and needs are! Barbie is this someone!

Barbie is the perfect support system! She was there to help me through my contractions, pushing, the many position changes and the wonderful miraculous natural birth of my son! She took beautiful photos of me and my baby and husband and stayed with us for a few hours while we rested as well. I was so thankful to have her there by my side during delivery and by the baby’s side after while he was being weighed and measured. It’s just such a relief to find someone you can really trust who has your best interests at heart!

Thank you Barbie! We are forever grateful!

-Elizabeth Almeida

March 07, 2022

a photo from Barbie French, CD(DONA), CPD(RI)

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $45


Years on DoulaMatch


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Certified Doula
Years in practice