Testimonial for Natasha Vitte

I had a great experience with Natasha Vitte as the doula for my third pregnancy in June 2021. My goal was a non-medicated hospital birth and Natasha was excited to be on my "team" to help achieve that.

When the big day arrived, Natasha answered my 5:30am phone call immediately and was ready to meet at either my home or the hospital to give support. Due to my history of precipitous labor, my midwife suggested I head straight to the hospital, about 40 minutes away. Natasha arrived quickly and brought a calm, empowering feeling with her. She tracked the duration and frequency of contractions, spoke with nursing staff to ensure I had a birthing ball and bar, assisted with labor positions, and gave my husband strategies to help support me. He appreciated the opportunity to be involved.

Natasha walked laps with us around the maternity floor, reminded me of my positive birth affirmations, guided my breathing when things got intense, gave counterpressure, and calmly provided verbal confidence during each contraction, all while including and encouraging my husband in the experience. She was prepared to stay with us for several hours of labor at the hospital. Thankfully things progressed quickly and our baby boy was born within 3 hours of arriving at the hospital. We were grateful everything went so smoothly.

I had a wonderful birth team with the help of Natasha. She supported my entire family and was able to capture some very meaningful photos during the process. Afterward, she stayed in the room to ensure we were doing well. She gave pointers for nursing the baby and assured us we could contact her if we needed anything in the days after. We were extremely grateful for her gentle guidance and bubbly personality during a beautiful moment in our lives. Her physical and mental support at the hospital helped us meet our birth goals and have a great experience. We would do it all over again!

-Kira Davis

February 26, 2022

a photo from Natasha Vitte

Natasha Vitte

Conscious Care Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30


Updated 2/27/2025

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate: $30


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 2/27/2025

Certified Doula
Years in practice