Testimonial for Jackie Prescott

My husband and I are so thankful for Jackie. I woke up in active labor at 3am and she immediately responded to my text and we spoke on the phone a little while later (she very patiently waited for me to give her a call while I handled my almost 2 year old son who woke up and was having a meltdown). She recommended I get into the shower and see if the water helped me cope since the contractions were already 2-3 minutes apart and lasting 1.5-2 minutes. She said not to stay in the shower too long since things seemed to be pretty intense and that she was heading to the birth center since she had a bit of a drive to get there (1.5 hours). She arrived around 5am and met/waited with my midwife and my family and I arrived a little while later. Jackie immediately came to greet us and helped me get through a contraction on the steps on the way to our birthing room. Jackie never left my side and my husband refers to her as "the one that was with you the whole time." She helped keep me calm when I felt like the contractions were too much, she had the gentle birth app on after confirming I wanted it, took pictures, made sure I had water, honey sticks, and electrolytes. She also helped me change positions and do rebozo as the midwifes suggested to help get baby to come down, which was not easy and took a longgg time. Her emotional support was invaluable during my labor since my husband was busy with our 2 year old and I know he is so thankful that she was there supporting me when he wasn't able to. She also held my son postpartum while I ate and got settled and he just slept in her arms peacefully. My husband was apprehensive at first about hiring a doula but I know he is very happy that we went through with it. Thank you so much Jackie, I would have never been able to make it to the finish line and push out my giant baby without you! 


February 21, 2022

a photo from Jackie Prescott

Jackie Prescott

District Doulas

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Updated 9/2/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2500

Postpartum Rate: $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/2/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice