Testimonial for Heather Schultz

Heather was an absolute pleasure to work with! From the moment we first spoke, I loved her confidence, and I really appreciated her stance on being a birth doula that really focuses on making things comfortable for the mama by being "hands on." I am a person who loves to be massaged and rubbed, and when it came down to having the intense contractions, I looked forward to the breaks in between because Heather (as well as my husband) was massaging me and I felt like it took my mind to a very peaceful place. My labor progressed very quickly, so Heather met my husband and me at the birthing center instead of at home. Had I needed her help coping at home, she would have been there for me. Everything went smoothly with the birth, and the minor complication was that I tore a little deeper than what the midwives could repair in house. I was advised to go to the hospital to have a thorough assessment of how deep my tear was. I did not want my newborn and husband to be sitting at the hospital waiting around for me for hours, so I sent them home. Heather drove me to the hospital, and stayed with me the entire time! She helped to advocate my desires to the medical staff in a very professional manner that did not step on anyone's toes. Needless to say, my husband and I were sooooooo happy we had Heather at our side. Not only did we fall in love with our newborn that day, but with Heather as well! She holds a special place in our hearts now, and we know who we'll want with us when we're ready for baby #2. We love you Heather!!!!!!!!!!!


February 12, 2022

a photo from Heather Schultz

Heather Schultz

Emerge Doula

Birth Fee: $1250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice