Testimonial for Heather Schultz

My husband and I were recommended to hire a Doula by the Midwives at our Birth Center. Since this was my first baby and I had decided to do a natural birth, we took the Midwives advice and hired a Doula. Two days before our daughter's birth, our original Doula notified us that she was unable to be at our birth and instead referred us to Heather. 

Heather came over the next night and my husband and I connected with her right away. She was so sweet and caring and we visited in between my contractions like we had known each other for years. She showed my husband some techniques to help ease my back pain during contractions and she volunteered to stay with me until I fell asleep that night to help me during contractions and allow my husband to get some sleep. Around 2am the next morning, it was time to go to the birth center. Heather arrived within 30 mins and was by my side until about 8pm, two hours after our daughter was born.

I had a very long and hard labor and Heather was an absolute blessing through the entire process! She not only took amazing care of me, she made sure everyone in the room stayed hydrated and fed the entire time. Her focus was 100% on us, she didn't even take breaks or time for herself. She helped me try different laboring positions and helped ease each contraction, she made sure I always had an ice cold towel on my face and neck, she encouraged me and comforted me both physically and emotionally during each stage of labor and delivery, and once our daughter finally arrived, she assisted me with breastfeeding. I really don't think I could have had a natural birth without Heather. Everyone involved was highly impressed with her service, one of the midwives made the comment that she wished Heather could be cloned and be the Doula at all births at the birth center. 

I will forever be grateful for everything Heather did for me and my family and I would highly recommend her to anyone considering a Doula. 

-Sarah W.

February 11, 2022

a photo from Heather Schultz

Heather Schultz

Emerge Doula

Birth Fee: $1250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 9/3/2024

Birth Fee: $1250

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/3/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice