Birth is such a connecting experience. When we decided to have a VBAC homebirth, we knew we would need a supportive environment. From the moment we met Meagan Thompson of About Birth, I knew she would have a special place in our birth. Through all our prenatal visits, she took time to prepare us practically for birth but she also spent just as much time helping us get emotionally prepared as well. At one of our last meetings before our son was born, Meagan casually remarked "I just have a really good feeling about this birth." While many around us were speaking doubt and fear about the birth, her words rang of not only ability, but excitement! The phrase she spoke even became my mantra during the hardest parts of the birth. It was exactly what I needed to hear. The night I went into labor, we learned the true power of love and sacrifice that a skilled doula like Meagan brings to the birthing team. She did counterpressure FOR HOURS, and gently reminded my husband to take breaks for himself. Etched in my mind forever will be when in the midst of my transition, I squeaked out "I feel like I'm not managing my pain well." Meagan quickly remarked "You could have fooled me!" and my laugh and her belief in me changed the entire dynamic from desperation to ability. She was there for it all, active, involved and inventive, she fought right alongside us. One of my favorite memories was seeing her beaming after our son was born, she was as proud as us! THAT to me is what a doula does and is. Meagan was so invested in our desire for our birth, she became like family. We had no idea when we hired her, the lasting impact she would have on one of the most important nights of our lives, but I know it was successful AND beautiful, because she was a part of it. Meagan is such a wonderful gift to the local birthing community and I wish everyone could experience her presence at their birth!
-Bellamy Willis
February 10, 2022
About Birth, LLC
Birth Fee: $2000