Testimonial for Liz Moran

Liz was a fantastic doula and I greatly appreciated her support, guidance, and check ins during and after my pregnancy! 

Liz was a great listener, understanding and supporting me and my mental health.  She understood that what I needed was someone to listen to my concerns, remind me of my capabilities, gently ensure I was on track to be prepared for labor, and just felt encouraged, supported, and not judged during the process! She helped me stop beating myself up over making all these last minute changes, and really focus on what had to be done to feel good and prepared.  

Tactically, Liz provided some simple forms and structures that enabled my husband and I to talk through our preferences with each other (and with Liz) so we would be ready for delivery and being parents.  And she helped me set the stage for how I wanted my delivery to be and find some mantras to help! 

In the end, I needed to be induced so I had to have a hospital delivery, which Liz assisted remotely.  Liz helped my husband a lot during the delivery itself, sending some key reminders and encouragement so he felt supported in pushing back / questioning a couple things that weren't exactly what I wanted.  She also provided great moral support when I was having some challenges during labor.  

Most of all, Liz provided excellent assistance after birth.  She reminded me constantly to take it slow and go easy on myself...something I really struggle with, as the voice in my head is always telling me to do more. She helped me with the extreme emotions I faced after labor by lending a non-judgmental ear, and voicing a lot of reassurance.  She also provided me with a helpful plan to getting back to movement...so that I reset my own expectations for myself and what I "should" be doing.  

I'm very grateful to Liz for the support she provided and highly recommend her as a doula! 

-Natalie Bray

February 07, 2022

a photo from Liz Moran

Liz Moran

Labor with Liz LLC

Birth Fee: $1250 to $1950


Updated 6/26/2024

Birth Fee: $1250 to $1950


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/26/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice