Testimonial for Jessica Chamberlain, Birth Doula, LC, Massage Therapist

I met Jessica when I was pregnant with my second child. I was experiencing a lot of neck and back pain. I found Spiral Dance Bodywork online and decided to go in for a 60-minute massage. Before I even got undressed Jessica asked me about my pregnancy and my previous birth experience.

Honestly, my first birth was difficult. My labor started with my water breaking, but then it stalled out. Almost a day later I went into the hospital to be induced. My kiddo's heart rate kept plummeting when I moved, so I basically had to lie perfectly still. After 24 hours I got an epidural and after another 12 hours or so, they suggested that since I was stalled at 9 cm I should consider a c-section. My midwife and nurses were very supportive of this decision. It looked like I was in the 10% of people that really needed surgical intervention and I felt at peace with that decision. However, my doula was very unsupportive and really made me feel bad about my choice, especially in her postpartum visits to my home.

Anyway, Jessica listened patiently and asked thoughtful questions before ever touching my body. She offered me affirming words and then eventually a healing touch (I was there well over 2 hours). I went back to see her several times during the course of my pregnancy. I had planned on not getting a doula again at that point, but during the course of my massage visits I came to trust her and value her ability to calm my body and mind.

My second kiddo came into the world in a much different fashion than my first. He thundered in shortly after Jessica arrived, but I was grateful for her presence nonetheless. She knew where to find things in the hospital room and because she knew my history it was so healing to debrief with her after my VBAC. 

Four years later, I still sometimes see her around and she is like a sister who will always have a special place in my heart. I am so grateful for her service and I wholeheartedly recommend her.

-Jessica Hassler

January 22, 2022

a photo from Jessica Chamberlain, Birth Doula, LC, Massage Therapist

Jessica Chamberlain, Birth Doula, LC, Massage Therapist

Spiral Dance Bodywork and Doula services

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1850

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $55


Updated 6/24/2024

Birth Fee: $1000 to $1850

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $55


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 6/24/2024

Years in practice