Testimonial for Marissa Hathaway, MPH, CD(DONA), CBE

I highly recommend Marissa!

1)  Marissa provided contstant text and phone support (even at 2am!) from day 1.  I would often text her at 2am worrying about something and she would respond.  She also helped both my husband and me, which was so important because birth partners need support and reassurance too.  

2)  Marissa coached me through not only birth, but also through the ups and downs of life that came during pregnancy.  Everything from "I have a cold and feel isolated" to "How will I get the house organized?!"

3)  Marissa helped me better navigate my healthcare providers.  I am someone who very much believes in and relies on medical establishment. I work in the healthcare space and liked that Marissa had experience working with a healthcare practice.  Marissa helped me navigate a standard of care that was right for me.  I am typically pretty good at advocating for myself, but it was nice to have someone else there to help me better craft my points and educate me on the options.  Ex 1) I was armed with all this research, ready to go into the doctor's appointment and have a lively academic discussion.  Although interesting for a scientific conference, Marissa reminded me that this is about me and my care, not what the medical society treatment guidelines should be.  She helped me better format my conversation to the doctor, to start with what I wanted to do and what was right for me personally. Ex 2) I was induced & not even a day in they wanted me to stop solid food.  With Marissa's encouragement, I advocated for myself multiple times and finally got the doctor's approval to have saltines.  It sounds like the smallest thing, but it was what I needed to keep going.

5)  Marissa encouraged self-care, especially postpartum.  It was nice to have someone say - go get a massage!



January 18, 2022

a photo from Marissa Hathaway, MPH, CD(DONA), CBE

Birth Fee: $1900 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1900 to $2100

Postpartum Rate: $50 to $60


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Years in practice