Testimonial for Brighid Quinn

Hiring Brighid was the most important thing I did to prepare for my birth. I'm what I would call a "birth enthusiast", I spent so much time even before I was pregnant educating myself on the process of pregnancy and childbirth. I was very clear on what I wanted- a midwife, and a birth that was not at a hospital. I didn't have as much experience with doulas beforehand and thought that because I was choosing to birth with a midwife in a birth center, a doula wouldn't be necessary. This couldn't have been further from the truth, and I was quickly informed that a midwife's role is to take care of you and your baby medically, but for emotional support, a doula is the right fit. All of our prenatal visits with Brighid were like meeting with a friend, I felt supported in my birth choices, and knew that she understood my needs. Now, where Brighid became invaluable in support for us was once I was in labor. After 30+ hours of back labor at home and no sleep, our on-call midwife was suddenly unavailable when I needed her the most. We had been in touch with Brighid the whole night and she quickly took control of the situation as we started to panic. Over several phone calls with her, she gave her advice that we go to the hospital for some relief so I could sleep since the main concern was my exhaustion. We fully trusted her since we knew she understood our values and needs in our birth. She was a calm voice of reason that stepped into action. As soon as we got to the hospital we knew it was the right choice. Since I have very limited hospital experience, Brighid was a very welcomed presence to help me feel more at ease in the new surroundings. I was able to ask her opinion on the different interventions and discuss areas with her that were new to me since this wasn't what we had prepared for. Having her as our doula gave me such peace of mind becuase I knew I was being taken care of, which is the most you can ask for when you're giving birth. 

-Elyse Kane

January 15, 2022

a photo from Brighid Quinn

Brighid Quinn

Quinn Doula Services

Birth Fee: $2800 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated 9/24/2024

Birth Fee: $2800 to $3000

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/24/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice