Britney supported the births of both my children. The births were very different. My husband and I agree Britney was indispensable for both. My first was loooooooong and medicated, my second was lightning-fast and unmedicated. Britney was a supportive, loving, ROCK both times!
I am anxious by nature, and Britney’s energy was exactly what I needed in the months leading up to the births and the births themselves. My husband is not easy to impress, but he was always impressed by Britney’s ability to remember the details of my first birth and my hopes/fears for the second. She’s a masterful listener. I was especially terrified when told there was no time for an epidural (something I’d dreaded my whole life). Britney knew just how to calm me down and fire me up at the same time in that magic way she does.
These days, when I reflect on the births of my children, my strongest memory is Britney by my side, holding my hand (or my leg), grunting and breathing with me, supporting me in a way no one else did - not my lovely husband or father, not the hardworking nurses, not my excellent doctors. Britney is an immensely talented and very special doula. She was perfect for me. I could sing her praises for ages. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
January 04, 2022
Britney Farmer Doula
Birth Fee: $2500 to $3000