Testimonial for Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

I can go on and on about Kelly! She is truly a amazing person and doula. This was my fourth pregnancy, and I really wanted to have a home birth. I was very nervous as I have never given birth at home, let alone done it naturally! Ek! I got in contact with a midwife, and she highly recommend me having a doula. I never thought of having a doula and didn't really know what it was all about. Luckily, my sister in law told me about Kelly and her experience. I contacted Kelly and asked allll the questions, even when I felt the questions were "dumb" she was so informative and helpful, it made me actually super excited to give birth! Not to mention her bubbly personality just makes you feel incredible. On the day I went into labor, I was nervous but as soon as Kelly came she made the atmosphere so calm and gave me so much peace in mind. I was ready and could do this! She knew how to keep my mind at ease, which positions helped with labor, played music, just everything to have a relaxing labor. The ending I feel was my favorite part, I got unfocused as it started to hurt, and Kelly looked me in the eyes said "look at me! You got this" and instantly I was focused and welcomed my amazing boy into the world. Truly a wonderful event, I wish I could have given birth like this every time. I really owe a LOT to Kelly, I mostly likely would have wanted to give up and certainly don't think the birth would have been so amazing without her. Highly recommend her to everyone wanting a incredible birth. 

-Sarah Catherine Tremp

November 16, 2021

a photo from Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Kelly Sunshine CD(DONA)

Sunshine Doula Services

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Updated 9/22/2024

Birth Fee: $2000 to $2350


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 9/22/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice