Part 2: After hanging up with the Midwife, things continued to progress, but I never really knew if I was in the desired timeframe for contractions, and by the time I definitely was, my mind was gone since I was deep into the "labor zone." Martha in the end ended up calling the Midwife to notify her, since my. husband was busy caring for our 2 year old who woke up.
After Martha arrived at my house, labor did slow down for a little while, but Martha just gave me some space to try and rest, and she returned to the room when she heard things getting louder/progressing. My birth was definitely chaotic since my 2 year old son who was not initially supposed to be at my birth (family was on the way to pick him up), ended up being there since the end of my labor went so fast. Basically, I had a longer 1st stage of labor, and my active labor and pushing stages probably happened within 2-3 hours max.
Guess what happened- with Martha's calm demeanor, we ended up delivering our baby WITHOUT THE MIDWIFE! The Midwife arrived about 5-10 minutes after baby was born. My husband calmly delivered our healthy baby girl. Martha is non-medical, but her calm presence helped make us feel that everything was well. I am very grateful that baby was healthy and there weren't any complications. I didn't think we would have an UNPLANNED UNASSISTED BIRTH, but like I said before- birthing is such an unpredictable experience, and you never know what might happen. My husband and I were again, so glad that we hired Martha. I likely would have been more anxious having the baby without the Midwife if Martha hadn't been there. Once the Midwife arrived, Martha made me a delicious meal, which she helped feed me while I was arms full and breastfeeding my bundle of joy. See part 3...
November 10, 2021
Birthkeeper Martha
Birth Fee: $2700 to $3000
Postpartum Rate: Not specified