Testimonial for Amber Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

First things first: Amber is an incredible doula & human being. I HIGHLY recommend her services. 

My experience:

When I met her, I had already interviewed several doulas & had pretty much decided not to hire one at all. I just hadn't met anyone who I felt truly comfortable having with me in my labor. But when my husband & I met Amber, we felt comfortable and connected instantly. 

Amber is warm, friendly, and makes every conversation comfortable. She went above and beyond for us in our prenatal care. She is knowledgable, passionate, and thorough. No questions are off-limits and she educated me on many things I wouldn't have thought to ask about.

When the time came for my labor, she was with me every step of the way-- for all 32 hours. My labor journey started beautifully, but we encountered unexpected difficulty which slowed and endangered my progress. I can't imagine my experience without her. She kept me calm, hydrated, and fed. She made sure my husband drank water too. Through all the pain and difficulty, Amber always had a new comfort measure or technique to suggest, and she always empowered me. She came with me when we ultimately had to transfer to the hospital, and was a beautiful advocate when the doctors tried to introduce interventions I didn't want. She kept a watchful eye on every part of the process, & blocked several unnecessary procedures that were outside my birth plan. With her help, I was able to realize my vision of a fully unmedicated labor, despite the complications. 

After the birth of my son, she volunteered to go fetch food for us so we didn't have to eat hospital food. From there, her postpartum care has been amazing. Amber is WONDERFUL with my son, & her postpartum doula services have given me much-needed breaks just when I needed them. I feel so cared for and understood with Amber. 

A zillion stars. Would recommend. You will love this woman. 


October 30, 2021

a photo from Amber  Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

Amber Stewart|Doula|Student Midwife

Mother In Bloom Doula & Childbirth Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $40 to $50


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Years in practice