Testimonial for Shayvonne Anderson

I am so happy that I chose Shayvonne to be my doula. As a first time, having just went though my 3rd IVF cycle, I felt tremendous amounts of anxiety. Since I previously had a miscarriage, I was always worrying about the negative things that could happen with this pregnancy. Shayvonne was my anchor through my anxiety. She helped me to stay grounded and focused on my current pregnancy and always reminded me to focus on the now and not worry about the past or the future. In addition, Shayvonne was extremely present throughout my journey. She reached out to me on a weekly basis to congratulate me on making it a week further in my pregnancy and after doctor's appointments to get an update regarding what was said/done. She wrote everything down and was very organized, which let me know that she truly cared about me and my pregnancy. Shayvonne was also always available. I could call/text her at anytime to ask questions or to get advice or words of wisdom. She never made me feel like I was bothering her and was always enthusiastic about helping. She came to doctor's appointments with me and did more than she was contractually required to do. I always left our conversations/meetings feeling better than I did coming into them. Shayvonne also offered support to my fiance and was willing to answer any questions he had and truly made him feel more confident and reassured going into our labor. When it was time for me to deliver, Shayvonne was on call and ready when my fiance called her to come. She got to the hospital in less than 20 minutes. During my labor, Shayvonne used many different techniques to help me deal with the pain such as massages, counter pressure, essential oils, affirmations, etc. After birth, she made sure that she assisted me with getting my daughter to latch, which prepared us for a successful breast feeding journey so far. This is something I would not have been able to do on my own. I am so blessed to have had her as my doula and will recommend her.

-Rashidah Muhammad

October 18, 2021

a photo from Shayvonne Anderson

Shayvonne Anderson

Head Hands & Heart

Birth Fee: $1500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Updated 1/25/2024

Birth Fee: $1500 to $2000

Postpartum Rate: $40


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 1/25/2024

Years in practice