Testimonial for Sally Wiggins

I looked into getting a doula later in my pregnancy. When I called the hospital about a doula they gave me several questions to ask and certifications to look for.  Sally answered all of the questions and checked every box.  I knew I wanted an epidural later in labor, and didn't think a doula would be supportive of interventions.  Sally was the opposite.  She talked me through interventions and options and supported my decisions.  This was my first pregnancy, and I was anxious throughout but especially about giving birth.  Sally was a fantastic resource who talked through expectations and offered wonderful support. 

My plan was to labor at home as long as possible and get an epidural late in labor.  As these things go - my plans changed.  I was induced after my 38 week appointment with high blood pressure.  I called Sally from triage and she gave me questions to ask the midwife, to make sure I knew what options I had.  It was a stressful start, and I was very thankful for her calm demeanor.  Active labor started very quickly for me and when Sally got to the hospital I had already asked for an epidural.  She supported me through that process and the two hours of pushing that followed.  She was also a great resource to my husband and let him take the lead on counting and coaching while I pushed.  Sally made sure we were settled and breastfeeding had started before she left.

While my experience wasn't what I expected (I'm not sure it ever is) Sally was a great resource before, during and after birth.  I really appreciated that she was there just for me.  We had wonderful nurses, but they have other patients to take care of.  That one on one support was really wonderful.  I would highly recommend Sally, especially if you are looking into interventions.


October 16, 2021

a photo from Sally Wiggins

Sally Wiggins

Best Beginnings Doula Services

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Updated 8/31/2024

Birth Fee: $1300 to $1600

Postpartum Rate: $30 to $35


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated 8/31/2024

Certified Doula
Years in practice