Testimonial for Cheryl Klugmann

We had an amazing labor and birth experience with Cheryl! Prior to delivery, Cheryl helped us put together our birth goals and helped us set realistic expectations. We felt as informed as we could be as first time parents going into labor/delivery. Our goal was to have a non-medicated natural vaginal birth. 

While the pregnancy had no complications, my water broke prior to starting contractions. The doctor wanted me to get to the hospital right away to induce labor. We were in constant contact with Cheryl during this time and she guided us in these ways:
- reminded us that the doctors recommendations weren't our only options
- provided alternative solutions and suggestions
- gave us questions to ask the doctors that we didn't know to ask

With her help, we were able to avoid a medical induction while monitoring mom/baby ensuring no one was in harm.

When contractions started to intensify, I wasn't sure if I could stick to my birth goals. This is when we called Cheryl to give us in-person support. It was a huge turning point when she arrived and she supported us in these ways:
- Showed us a bunch of techniques to reduce pain from contractions. If one thing didn't work, she had another suggestion up her sleeve!
- She asked the nurses for extra supplies/equipment so we had access to anything we needed to be comfortable
- She instructed us to eat/sleep/hydrate at appropriate times (which sounds like a no-brainer but so easy to forget to do!). She also knew all the best food places in town :)
- She always knew what the next step was (we did not) so she constantly prepared us for what was to come and provided explanations along the way
- She was positive, calm and encouraging - a true birth cheerleader!

We had a really positive birth experience and Cheryl played a large role into why it was so positive! With an experienced person like Cheryl in the room, we felt safe and confident.

-Amanda and Tim

October 08, 2021

a photo from Cheryl Klugmann

Cheryl Klugmann

CD(DONA)PCD(DONA)Certified lactation specialist,

Birth Fee: $3000

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Updated Today!

Birth Fee: $3000

Postpartum Rate: $60 to $75


Years on DoulaMatch


Updated Today!

Certified Doula
Years in practice